2010年12月19日 星期日
2010年12月9日 星期四
CUDA Certification – Exam Scheduling Now Open
CUDA Certification – Exam Scheduling Now Open
NVIDIA CUDA Professional Developer Program Study Guide
As part of the process of achieving the standards expected from an NVIDIA CUDA Professional Developer, all candidates are required to take a series of self-study lectures and exercises.
Please read this entire document before starting your study course.
The foundation of this training is provided by the text book, Programming Massively Parallel Processors: A Hands-on Approach, authors, David B. Kirk, Wen-mei W. Hwu.
You can also make use of podcasts in mp4 format of the lectures below; the reading assignments will help to make the lecture more productive, so please complete in advance.
- Introduction to GPU Computing (60.2 MB)
- Assignment please read Chapter 1 of Textbook
- CUDA Programming Model (75.3 MB)
- Assignment please read Chapter 2 of Textbook
- CUDA API (32.4 MB)
- Simple Matrix Multiplication in CUDA (46.0 MB)
- Assignment please read Chapter 3 of Textbook
- CUDA Memory Model (109 MB)
- Assignment please read Chapter 4 of Textbook
- Shared Memory Matrix Multiplication (81.4 MB)
- Additional CUDA API Features (22.4 MB)
- Useful Information on CUDA Tools (15.7 MB)
- Threading Hardware (140 MB)
- Assignment please read Chapter 5 of Textbook
- Memory Hardware (85.8 MB)
- Memory Bank Conflicts (115 MB)
- Parallel Thread Execution (32.6 MB)
- Control Flow (96.6 MB)
- Precision (137 MB)
As part of the study process, please ensure you also download and study the following documents:
CUDA C Programming Guide 3.0Additional CUDA Programming Tools and Compiler Documentation can be found at this link:
CUDA C Best Practices Guide 3.0
CUDA C Online Documentation
Please download the following additional documents:
CUDA Compiler Driver NVCC 2.0Additional Course Exercises with Solutions (Supports CUDA Basics)
PTX: Parallel Thread Execution ISA Version 1.2
CUDA Occupancy Calculator
Exercise InstructionsAdditional Supporting Materials
Exercise files for Visual Studio
Exercise files for Mac & Linux
NVIDIA is hosting a series of Webinars about the CUDA Architecture. NVIDIA staff is available during the presentations to answer questions, and the recordings are available for download.
For technical questions please use the public CUDA developer forums:
2010年12月8日 星期三
解讀 Drupal 的 hook_menu()
Anatomy of hook_menu
$items['mypath/%objectA'] = array( ...
function objectA_load() { return $object;}
page callback 就能取得完整 object 或是 array,而非只是 id
Anatomy of hook_menu
2010年12月5日 星期日
使用 php 產生 /etc/shadow 的 hashed password
/etc/shadow 格式
// MD5
echo crypt($_GET['password'], '$1$');
// MD5
echo crypt($_GET['password'], '$1$');
2010年12月2日 星期四
SONY VAIO TZ37 無法開啟無線網路。Wireless Keeps turning itself off.
手動把硬體的 wireless/bluetooth 開關設成 off,然後 on,接著就無法使用 wlan,機殼上的 wlan 的燈沒亮,無法使用 VAIO 所附的 wireless switch software 去設定 wlan (只顯示藍芽的部分),而裝置管理員看到的 wlan 網卡又似乎很正常。重灌 intel wlan driver 也沒用。
據 SONY 光華維修中心的工程師說,bluetooth 及 wireless 的狀態,有被記錄在 CMOS 上面,但從 BIOS 又無法設定 on/off,他們猜測是我的系統有問題,以致於進系統後,wireless 又被設成 off。他們搞很久還是無法修復我的 VAIO,建議我重灌 XP。當下接上另一台 TZ37 的硬碟,wireless 卻很正常,最後,唯一能確定的是硬體方面沒問題。
後來回家,在 google 查到以下的方法,確實可行,在此留下記錄,希望可以幫到大家。
- turn the wireless and bluetooth on by the hardware switch or button or Fn+
- close the wireless switch software ( the wireless icon on the windows bar )
- hibernate the laptop (休眠)
- take off the laptop battery and take the power cable off (取下電源線及電池)
- wait for around 1 min. (等待一分鐘)
- turn the hardware switch to on- put everything back in place and start the laptop, you should be able to see the wireless working now. (打開無線網路的硬體開關,接上電源)
- make sure the bluetooth and wireless are working
- go to control panel and uninstall the wireless switch software
- restart you laptop and everything should be working fire and smooth now.
結論是,不要安裝 wireless switch software。我現在用硬體開關切換,一切正常。
2010年12月1日 星期三
Compiling with GCC on low memory
# 8MB for min heapsize
CFLAGS="$CFLAGS --param ggc-min-expand=0 --param ggc-min-heapsize=8192"
Compiling with GCC on low memory VPS
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